Zoe S. Hilker
Akademischer Werdegang
seit 2023 | Doktorand, Max Planck School of Cognition, Leipzig Lab-Rotationen in der Orientierungsphase: Peter Dayan, Christian Büchel and Nikolas Schuck |
2022–2023 | Master of Science in Psychological Research, Oxford University, England |
2022 | Postgraduate Machine Learning Summer Course, University of Stirling, Scotland |
2018–2022 | Bachelor of Science in Psychology, University of Stirling, Schottland |
Bobak, A. K., Jones, A. L., Hilker, Z., Mestry, N., Bate, S., & Hancock, P. J. (2023). Data-driven studies in Face Identity Processing rely on the quality of the tests and data sets. Cortex, 166, 348–364. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cortex.2023.05.018
Hilker Z., Bobak A., & Hancock P. (2020, 27. August). Seeing faces in things: Stirling Face Pareidolia Test [Poster presentation]. British Psychology Society – Cognitive Section Conference, Brighton, England.
Foto: Nikolaus Brade