Emily B. May

Emily B. May



Akademischer Werdegang

seit 2023Doktorandin, Max Planck School of Cognition, Leipzig
Lab-Rotation in der Orientierungsphase: Julia Sacher
seit 2023Master of Science in Cognitive Neuroscience, Center for Cognitive Neuroscience Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin
2019–2023Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience, minor in Philosophy, University of Texas at Austin, USA



2022–2023Research internship, Department of Psychology- Dr. Annie Duchesne, University of Northern British Columbia, Prince George, Kanada
2021–2023Research Internship, Department of Neurology (Dr. Leorah Freeman), University of Texas at Austin Dell Medical School, USA
2020–2022Research internship, Department of Integrative Biology (Dr. Steven Phelps), University of Texas at Austin, USA



2021–2022Teaching assistant, Department of Neuroscience, Neural Systems I, University of Texas at Austin, USA
2020–2022Undergraduate teaching assistant, then head of undergraduate teaching assistant, Originality in the Arts and Sciences, research grant proposal course, University of Texas at Austin, USA



Wissenschaftliche Preise und Stipendien

2023Best Trainee Oral Presentation, Balancing the Brain: Sex, Gender, and Neuroscience Conference, Toronto, Canada
2023National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (NSF GRFP, declined)
2023UT Austin Conference Travel Scholarship to present at Balancing the Brain Conference in Toronto, ON, Kanada
2023Edwin M. Jones Scholarship research funding
2022UT Austin College of Natural Science Summer Experience Scholarship for research internship at UNBC
2022Junior Fellows Scholarship research funding
2021Texas Institute for Discovery Education in Sciences (TIDES) Advanced Summer Research Fellowship for research internship at UT Austin
2020Undergraduate Research Fellowship research funding


Publikationen, Posterpräsentationen und Vorträge

Livia Ruehr, Kim Hoffmann, Emily May, Marie Luise Münch, Haiko Schlögl, Julia Sacher. Estrogens and human brain networks: A systematic review of structural and functional neuroimaging studies, Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology, Volume 77, 2025, 101174, ISSN 0091-3022, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.yfrne.2024.101174.

May, E. B., Tandy, S., & Duchesne, A. (2023, März). Many paths to the many pills: Accounting for context through a biosocial framework of hormonal contraceptive selection, usage, and affective outcomes [Talk]. Balancing the Brain: Sex, Gender, and Neuroscience Conference, University of Toronto, Kanada.

May, E. B., Charron, O., & Freeman, L. (2023, April). Characterization of multiple sclerosis atrophy using neural network-based brain segmentation tools [Talk]. College of Natural Science Honors Thesis Symposium, University of Texas at Austin, USA.

May, E. B., Tripp, J., & Phelps, S. (2022, April). Developing a novel approach for identifying neurons holding the memory of social bonds [Poster] requested to present by Texas Institute for Discovery Education in Science, College of Natural Science Undergraduate Research Forum, University of Texas at Austin, USA.



Foto: Nikolaus Brade

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