Alexandrina Vasilichi
Akademischer Werdegang
seit 2021 Doktorandin, Max Planck School of Cognition, Leipzig
Promotionsarbeit am Max-Planck-Institut für Biologische Kybernetik, Tübingen
Betreuer: Peter Dayan
Lab-Rotationen in der Orientierungsphase: Peter Dayan, Micah Allen und Daniel S. Margulies
2018–2019 Master of Science in Cognitive and Decision Sciences, University College London, UK
2014–2017 Bachelor of Science in Psychology, Clinical and Cognitive Neuroscience, Royal Holloway, UK
2020–2021 Research assistance, Health Neuroscience Lab (Prof. Paul Fletcher), University of Cambridge, UK
2020 Research internship, Experimental Economics Group (Prof. Matthias Sutter), Max-Planck-Institut zur Erforschung von Gemeingütern, Bonn
2019 Research assistance, Department of Social Science (Prof. Alice Sullivan), University College London, UK
2018 Research assistance (Prof. George Wright), Strathclyde University, Glasgow, UK
2015–2017 Research assistance, Department of Psychology (six different labs), Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
Rowe, G., Bolger, F., ..., Vasilichi, A., & Wright, G. (revised and resubmit). Virtuous opinion changes in structured groups. Judgment and Decision Making.
Belton, I., Wright, G., Sissons, A., Bolger, F., Crawford, M. M., Hamlin, I., ... & Vasilichi, A. (2021). Delphi with feedback of rationales: How large can a Delphi group be such that participants are not overloaded, de-motivated, or disengaged? Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 170, 120897.
Hamlin, I., Bolger, F., Vasilichi, A., Belton, I., Crawford, M. M., Sissons, A., ... & Wright, G. (2021). Structured groups make more accurate veracity judgements than individuals. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 35(6), 1600–1607.
Bolger, F., Nyberg, E. P., Belton, I., Crawford, M. M., Hamlin, I., Alvandi, A. O., ..., Vasilichi, A., & Wright, G. (2020). Improving the production and evaluation of structural models using a Delphi process. Preprint.
Vasilichi, A., Nikolova, N., Legrand, N., & Allen, M. (2022, Juli). Affective expectations are modulated by the interplay between visceral signals and uncertainty of the sensory environment [Poster]. 25th Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC) Annual Meeting, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Vasilichi, A., & de-Wit, L. (2020, Januar). Political polarization and depolarization across the UK Brexit divide [Poster]. Research on Online Political Hostility 2020 Conference, Aarhus, Denmark.
Vasilichi, A. & de-Wit, L. (2020, Januar). Political polarization and depolarization across the UK Brexit divide [Poster]. Annual January UCL Meeting of the Experimental Psychology Society, London, United Kingdom.