Nina Coy

Nina Coy

Doctoral Candidate
Research interests: • attentional and predictive mechanisms in auditory processing • auditory pattern learning • EEG & behavioural methods


Academic education

since 2019 Doctoral candidate, Max Planck School of Cognition, Leipzig, Germany
Doctoral research work at Universität Leipzig, Germany
Supervisor: Erich Schröger
Lab rotations in the orientation phase: Christine HeimErich Schröger and Angela D. Friederici & Claudia Männel
2016–2018  Master of Science in Psychology, Universität Leipzig, Germany
2013–2016 Bachelor of Science in Psychology, Universität Leipzig, Germany


Research experience

since 2018Staff researcher and teacher, BioCog, Wilhelm Wundt Institute of Psychology, Universität Leipzig, Germany
2021–2022Guest teacher, Adacemic Lab, Universität Leipzig, Germany
2020–2022Guest scientist, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany
2019–2020Staff researcher and teacher, Psychological Methods, Wilhelm Wundt Institute of Psychology, Universität Leipzig, Germany
2016–2018Research assistant, BioCog, Wilhelm Wundt Institute of Psychology, Universität Leipzig, Germany
2017–2018Intern, Psychotherapeutic Outpatient Clinic for Adults, Universität Leipzig, Germany
2015–2016Student assistant, Psychology in School and Teaching, Institute of Educational Sciences, Universität Leipzig, Germany
2015Summer Academy, supported by German Academic Scholarship Foundation, Leysin, Switzerland
2014–2016Student assistant, BioCog, Wilhelm Wundt Institute of Psychology, Universität Leipzig, Germany
2014–2015Tutor, General Psychology and Methodology, Wilhelm Wundt Institute of Psychology, Universität Leipzig, Germany
2014Student assistant, Cognitive Developmental Psychology, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany
2012–2013Internship, Cognitive Developmental Psychology, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany



WS 2022/2023 Set-up and Control of Psychological Experiments in MATLAB & Psychtoolbox, seminar & exercises, Wilhelm Wundt Institute of Psychology, Universität Leipzig, Germany
WS 2021/2022 Set-up and Control of Psychological Experiments in MATLAB & Psychtoolbox, seminar & exercises, Wilhelm Wundt Institute of Psychology, Universität Leipzig, Germany
WS 2020/2021 Biological Psychology, seminar,  Wilhelm Wundt Institute of Psychology, Universität Leipzig, Germany
2020–2022 Introduction to Statistics in R, workshop, Academic Lab, Universität Leipzig, Germany
SS 2020 Cognitive Psychology I: Perception & Psychophysics, seminar, Wilhelm Wundt Institute of Psychology, Universität Leipzig, Germany
SS 2020 Computer-based Data Analysis II, exercises, Wilhelm Wundt Institute of Psychology, Universität Leipzig, Germany
WS 2019/2020 Biological Psychology, seminar,  Wilhelm Wundt Institute of Psychology, Universität Leipzig, Germany
WS 2019/2020 Computer-based Data Analysis I, exercises, Wilhelm Wundt Institute of Psychology, Universität Leipzig, Germany
SS 2019 Cognitive Psychology I: Perception & Psychophysics, seminar, Wilhelm Wundt Institute of Psychology, Universität Leipzig, Germany
SS 2019 Computer-based Data Analysis II, exercises, Wilhelm Wundt Institute of Psychology, Universität Leipzig, Germany


Academic awards and scholarships

2018Student Poster Award, Wilhelm Wundt Institute of Psychology, Universität Leipzig, Germany
2016Scholarship for research stay abroad, German Academix Exchange Service (DAAD), Clinical School, School of Psychology, University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia
2015Scholarship for research stay abroad, German Academic Scholarship Foundation, Brainlab, Institute for Research on the Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Universidad de Barcelona, Spain
2014–2018Full Scholarship for Students, German Academic Scholarship Foundation



Coy, N., Bendixen, A., Grimm, S., Roeber, U., & Schröger, E. (2023). Deviants violating higher-order auditory regularities can become predictive and facilitate behaviour. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. Advance online publiction.

Schröger, E., Roeber, U., & Coy, N. (2023). Markov chains as a proxy for the predictive memory representations underlying mismatch negativity. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 17:1249413.

Coy, N., Bendixen, A., Grimm, S., Roeber, U., & Schröger, E. (2022). Is the Oddball just an odd-one-out? The predictive value of rule-violating events. Auditory Perception & Cognition, 5(3–4), 169–191.

Coy, N., Bader, M., Schröger, E., & Grimm, S. (2021). Change detection of auditory tonal patterns defined by absolute versus relative pitch information. A combined behavioural and EEG study. PLoS One, 16(2), e0247495.


Poster presentations

Coy, N., Bader, M., Schröger, E. & Grimm S. (2018, June). Discriminating melodic patterns based on relative compared to absolute pitch information. An EEG study [Poster]. 8th Mismatch Negativity Conference, Helsinki, Finland.

Coy, N., Bader, M., Schröger, E. & Grimm S. (2016, November). The role of relative pitch information in the active discrimination of complex tonal patterns [Poster]. Australasian Cognitive Neuroscience Society Conference (ACNS), Port Stephens, Australia.


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