Fabian M. Renz
Doctoral Candidate (deputy cohort representative)
Academic education
since 2020 Doctoral candidate, Max Planck School of Cognition, Leipzig, Germany
Doctoral research performed at the Max Planck Institutes for Human Development, Berlin, Germany and for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany
Supervisors: Peter Dayan, Christian F. Doeller, and Nicolas Schuck
Lab rotations in the orientation phase: Peter Dayan, Christian F. Doeller, and John-Dylan Haynes
2017–2021 Master of Science in Cognitive Science, University of Vienna, Austria
2017–2020 Master of Science in Psychology, University of Vienna, Austria
2014–2017 Bachelor of Science in Psychology, University of Vienna, Austria
Haugg, A., Renz, F. M., [...], Weiskopf, N., Scharnowski, F., & Steyrl, D. (2021). Predictors of real-time fMRI neurofeedback performance and improvement – A machine learning mega-analysis. NeuroImage, 237, 118207. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118207
Poster presentation
Renz, F. M., Steyrl, D., Haugg, A., Lor, C., Götzendorfer, S. J., Nicholson, N., Hellrung, L., Papoutsi, M., Marxen, M., MacInnes, J., Adcock, A., Dickerson, K., Chen, N. K., Young, K., Bodurka, J., Shuxia, J., Becker, B., Auer, T., Schweizer, R., Emmert, K., Haller, S., Van De Ville, D., Kim, D. Y., Lee, J. H., Marins, T., Weiskopf, N., Scharnowski, F. (2019, December). Predicting neurofeedback performance [Poster]. “Real-time functional imaging and neurofeedback Conference”, Maastricht, the Netherlands.
Photo: Anja Schneider